Managerial Secrets

Today when siting on a work meeting in the morning it dawned on me that management is one of the hardest subjects to master.

Never liked books on management. A lot of water, not enough substance I thought. I come from field of Economics and mathematics where everything is more or less “logical” and straightforward. Managerial books on the other hand offers a lot of graphs, charts and other stuff which I trully and deeply do not like. Every single day there is a new article on how to motivate your employees and often it contradicts to the one which came out year earlier. Try to figure what works then..

In my idea books on management should be a collection of case studies (in fact that what they do in MBAs). Each case study should bring home some theory behind the action. Not pie charts that you dont see in real life.

The post came out chaotic and uninformative, the way I see management right now. Probably I am not knowledgable enough to write on this yet, or not in the right state of mind. The reason I write nevertheless is that “practice makes it perfect”

Recently searched for one phrase on dieting which involves bicycle. Instead I found this one – “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving”

About bigeconomist

Aspiring prespirer
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