When to surrender?

Nowadays it is often said that winners never quit and quitters never win. Another popular knowledge is that when you do something you are destined to do, the whole universe helps you. There is an obvious contradiction between the two common wisdoms.

The first one says that you should always fight until the end, never acknowledging your defeat, as Bruce Lee said – defeat is a state of mind.

The second one says that in essence if you have the idea to quit, maybe its something wrong you are doing. Maybe you should not do it altogether.

So which one do we follow?

People can be generally divided into two broad categories, one group thinks that life is joy and everything should be easy, following the path of least ressistance. The second group (which includes myself) thinks that nothing worth having in life can be acquired easily.

My line of thought ends here, but I promise to revisit this post and make it more coherent. Right now I am just trying to “fly” as many hours as I can

About bigeconomist

Aspiring prespirer
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